Jo tells intuitive healing stories by tuning into a group of angelic beings and Ascended Masters which includes Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael and Archangel Gabriel.
Jo usually connects to the angels and Ascended Masters at the beginning of a story by playing her ocarina which has a haunting, mystical sound. This lulls you into the land of the story and Jo receives an image which she translates into the beginning of a tale. Symbols and metaphors appear and disappear until the story reaches a conclusion which is usually uplifting, inspiring, hopeful and reassuring.
The stories therefore have a significant healing element and are appropriate and beneficial for children and adults.
The aim is to give messages that are relevant to you in your life. Each person will experience a story in a different way according to whatever is most relevant for you to hear and feel.
You may be inspired, find deep healing or simply enjoy the telling of the tale.
Storytelling sometimes takes place in a yurt which creates a homely and magical environment.
Jo’s stories are either made up in advance or created while you are listening. The ending is not known by Jo until the very last words.